赛亚耶稣基督的教: 摩西的法上


(马可福音 10:5)

八福山上、耶和华的法、耶稣讲了的它的向内意思的、 为而摩西的法保持了在其他的人眼里、 那不是保持耶和华的法。如果法不是在心里它不是真的服从了于所有。如耶稣说: ‘你们必要爱耶和华与都你的心、 和与都你的灵魂、和与都您的心思、和你的邻居如自己。’(马太福音 22:36)这是什么的意思,是那一个法、律对讨好肉身、例如离婚,以眼还眼,恨你的敌人,(马太福音 5:31) 怒气对一个兄弟、这些东西是罪。( 马太福音5:22) 这是甚么更、法说:‘作没提交通奸、 但是什么我告诉你们这是: “如果一个男人看在女人与情欲他眼中、他有已经过通奸与她、他心里。”’(马太福音5:27一28)于是、他去超越文字的法的;他说: ‘不要对恶人作对、但是有人打你的右脸、也转过来左脸由他打。和如果一个男要你的衬衫把外套也给他。和如果一个男力你去一起一公里、去与他二。 马太福音 5:39一41)耶稣顶古长老对说: ‘爱你的邻居和恨你的敌。’耶稣对他的徒说: ‘爱你的敌和祈求为那些谁迫害的你的。只所以可以你们是天上父亲的孩子、为他叫日头向照 坏人和好人上一样、和降雨给义人和不义人一样。就如你的天父是完美的、所以你们必须是完美。’(马太福音 5:45) 这教是对面摩西的道; 当亚玛攻击以色列、摩西告诉约书亚拿一些男人和战他们。于是这成为一个例从那那时以色列跟。于是,以色列跟了、后从那个时候起,这种做法。摩西是不忠实
摩西并没有忠实于耶和华的应许,耶和华的使者将争取以色列。向送一个天使为你战斗提前和我将赶出迦南人,亚摩利人,和赫人、比利洗人,希未人,和耶布斯人。摩西的法是只为以色列、不外邦人. 摩西的律法和耶稣基督之间的差距是有恩典有真理。如圣约翰说: ‘法律是给藉着摩西传了但是恩德和真理藉耶稣基督来了。’(约翰 1:17) 约翰表明看见那耶稣完成那是意向的摩西法律、也越的它向、教耶和华的公义:和对从不对和真理从错误。为兹因摩西的法不可能原谅崇拜的偶像、通奸、不敬父亲的和杀人;祭的羊不能洗离罪、或任何任性罪。

摩西的律法和耶稣基督之间的差距是有恩典有真理。如圣约翰说: ‘法律是给藉着摩西传了但是恩德和真理藉耶稣基督来了。’(约翰 1:17) 约翰表明看见那耶稣完成那是意向的摩西法律、也越的它向、教耶和华的公义:和对从不对和真理从错误。为兹因摩西的法不可能原谅崇拜的偶像、通奸、不敬父亲的和杀人;祭的羊不能洗离罪、或任何任性罪。耶稣的工作是打开瞎子的眼睛的、精神和身体和医治他们和保存他们从她们的罪。这是为什么耶稣在十字架上死; 是羊的上帝向带走世人的的罪。

耶稣基督到了。摩西和先知的预言他的到了、还耶稣是遭拒于最犹太人。 ‘他到自己的地方来、自己的人到不接待他。’(约翰1:11)但是他们拒绝耶稣由于失明的心。根据圣经的盲目是上帝赋于的。(约翰12:40; 罗马书 11:8; 哥林多后书 3:15)上帝没有开他们的眼。犹太人拒绝耶稣基督因为的他们的罪、但是也因为上帝没有开她们的眼。于是、 耶稣基督福音是传向所有人类。耶稣是钉在十字架上、和埋葬了、和从死里复活保存人类。有所有犹太人相信在耶稣、他们将有使耶稣他们的王独。但是耶稣不是政治的王的犹太人和她们的国、 但是世的王’世的保存从罪。耶稣基督世上帝的羊带走世的罪。(约翰 1:29)

正如以赛亚写道: ‘他是象根出于干地; 他没有可取形或威严向在看、没事值得注意在他的外观中。他是鄙视和拒绝了于其他; 一个男的患和悲伤;和如一人从谁别的转身了他们的脸;他是逼视和我们想他是没身。但是肯定他孔了我们的软弱的和医治了我们的病; 但我们想通他是重拳出击了、和那上帝打垮他、和折磨了他。他受伤了我们的过犯、粉碎为我们的罪孽; 在他身上是惩罚那使我们的 全、和于他的打伤我们的是医治。都我们象羊有误入歧途;我们有都变成我们自己的方式、和耶和华有躺了在他上我们罪孽所有。(以赛亚书 53:1一6)书 53:1一6)


Dear brothers and sisters.
The Law of Moses was upheld by the Jews, to be God's holy and righteous law. The ten commandments were written on stone by the hand of God on Mount Sinai but the entire Law of Moses, is found in the first five books of the bible, written, for the most part, by Moses himself.  The Law of Moses was believed to be the entire revealed will of God for his chosen people, to set before them God's righteousness, his blessings and judgements of Israel. Nevertheless Moses knew that the law of Moses was less than God's righteous judgements. For instance, he allowed a man to marry more than one wife and if she displeased him to put her away, in fact, to divorce her. There was no such reciprocal laws appertaining to men. The doctors of the law believed this marriage law to be God's will and wish for marriage. Since a woman, according to Scripture, was man's helper, the lawyers considered this law to be right and just. But their knowledge of God's law, fell far short of, and contradicted God's righteous law. 

When Jesus addressed his disciples on the Mount of   Beatitudes,  he spoke of the inwardness of God's Law for whilst the Law of Moses might be kept in the eyes of others, that in itself is not keeping the law for as Jesus also said, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' (Matthew 22:36) That, he said, is the 'greatest commandment,' for if the law is not kept in your heart it is not kept at all. What this means is that a law made to please or satisfy the flesh like wanting a divorce, (Matthew 5:31) the rule of an eye for an eye, (Matthew 5:38) making and hating enemies, (Matthew 5:43) anger against a brother. (Matthew 5:22) is not righteous. And again, 'You have learned that our forefathers were told, "Do not commit adultery." But what I tell you is this, : if a man looks upon a woman with a lustful eye, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' (Matthew 5:27-28) Furthermore, he went beyond the mere literalness of the written law when he said, 'Do not set yourself against the man who wrongs you. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left. If a man wants to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat as well. If a man in authority makes you go one mile, go with him two. Give when you are asked to give; and do not turn your back on a man who wants to borrow.' (Matthew 5:38-42) Jesus contradicted the ancients who said, "Love your neighbour and hate your enemy." But what I tell you is this: Love your enemies and pray for your persecutors; only so can you be children of your heavenly Father, who makes his sun rise on good and bad alike, and send the rain on the honest and the dishonest.....You must be all goodness just as your heavenly Father is all good.' (Matthew 5:43-48) 
This teaching went against Moses for although he delivered the children of Israel from Egypt by God's word and power alone, when faced with a small army of Amalek he told Joshua to take some men and fight with Amalek. This was a precedent followed by the people of Israel from that time forward. Moses lacked faith in God's promise:  'I will send an angel before you, and I will drive out the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, or I would consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people.' (Exodus  17:9; 33:2) He relied upon the sword, not God's angel to defeat Amalek. All the Israelites who left Egypt, save one or two, never entered the promised land. Nor did Moses but died on the wilderness side of the river Jordan. 

The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. ' (John 1:17) St. John saw clearly that Jesus fulfilled all that was intended by the Law of Moses and went beyond it to teach God's righteousness: right from wrong and truth from error, that Moses did not do.  For whereas the Law prescribed sacrifices for sins, those sacrifices could not wash away sins, or prevent judgment on them, unintentional sins excepted.  And whereas the Law of Moses, because of the hardness of men's heart's, allowed men to divorce their wives by giving them a certificate of divorce and to take an 'eye for an eye,' Jesus taught that this was not God's law. The Law of Moses, nevertheless, was a teacher of the most salient truth, that even an imperfect law could not be kept by a sinful heart. That is where the Law of Moses fell short of God's righteousness and also the power to make people righteous. 
The work of Jesus was to restore sight, physically and spiritually, to open the eyes of the blind and heal them; to save them from sin. For this he died on the cross, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

The Christ, foretold by Moses and the prophets has come. He was rejected by the majority of Jews. But this rejection was due to the blindness of their hearts spoken of by Isaiah, (John 12:40; Romans 11:8; 2 Corinthians 3:15;) which was God given, for the Christ, the Lord Jesus had to be rejected by them, crucified and buried for their sins, and raised again from the dead to offer forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who believe in him. This is how great God's love is for his chosen children and for the whole world. Jesus Christ is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29; 1:36) As Isaiah the prophet also foretold: 'For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity; and as one from whom others hide their faces he was despised, and we held him of no account. Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have all turned to our own way, and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By a perversion of justice he was taken away. Who could have imagined his future? For he was cut off from the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people. They made his grave with the wicked and his tomb with the rich, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him with pain. When you make his life an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring, and shall prolong his days; through him the will of the LORD shall prosper. Out of his anguish he shall see light; he shall find satisfaction through his knowledge. The righteous one, my servant, shall make many righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities. (Isaiah 53:1-11)