
法律是不是只必要在我们的社会、 是但是势在必行。法律是总必要在社会因为人性是太罪恶无法律和安静住在。圣保罗说话: ‘法律不是为义人设立的、乃为不法和忤、为不圣人、犯罪、亵渎人、谋杀、淫乱;为那些人谎、骗子、伪证人和那些东西相反想好教的耶稣福音委托我。’(提摩太后书 1:9-11)法律不是、 当然、为无辜人民、但是为有罪人和为那些人谁犯法。圣保罗是说话关于法律的摩西、哪个耶稣基督编辑了和更正、根据真理的精神。(约翰福音1:17) 西世界继承正从耶稣基督的法。例如、结婚法律、和不死惩罚为通奸。耶稣的恩典允许通奸在法律上,但耶稣教不是不忠在结婚道德。和例如、他被禁止离婚、除了通奸; 他不允许一个丈夫离婚他的妻子一张信的离婚。(马可福音 10:1-10)耶稣对民法教义上、法律的摩西、走得更远比改变婚姻的法、死刑、或者安息日滥用。耶稣造一个新圣约上帝和人类之间、那结束摩西的法永远。圣保罗说话: ‘耶稣说话的一个 ‘新圣约’他有做第一陈旧。’(希伯来 8:13) 耶稣结束需求的动物献祭为赦罪; 结束的牧师作用向说情上帝和人类之间、服从向法不会原谅罪。没有法律可以原谅罪、没有法律在世界里可原谅罪。 这是耶稣的教。


法律的信常常有一个诅咒和负担社会上、 因为律师的使用这个法律为他们的自己权威和结束。却是、后边法律的有总是法律的好原因和目的。例如、安息日法律是为休息从工作一天在 每 周。


第一基督教的罗马法、传很多国家、基于基督的教义。(AD 325)  从而基督的教非常民法的法律上影响世界。虽然这是个好消息它不是耶稣的福音、福音的救从罪。地球的王国、和王国的天堂是不同。地球上的王过的,天国是不同的。耶稣分离了政治从他的王国。 它对庞彼拉多说‘我的王国不是这个世界、’(约翰福音 18:36) 但是耶稣有深关心大约每方面的生活地球上、但是他有更多关心关于灵魂的人、救他们从罪和和死和准备他们为天堂。福音的耶稣是关心的恩典。而地球的法律的是重要但是没甚么是更重要比永生在天堂里。从而耶稣分离法律从恩典、救我们从罪由一个免费赠送经的恩典。这是怎么耶稣基督的教堂开始、开始由他的原谅者我们的罪。也和洗礼我们的由他的精神。


Law is a necessary, even imperative part of our lives. It is necessary now and it was necessary in the time of Christ. Human nature is too sinful for societies to live without law. St. Paul said: ‘the law is laid down not for the innocent but for the lawless and disobedient, for the godless and sinful, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their father or mother, for murderers, fornicators, sodomites, slave traders, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to the sound teaching that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.’ (1 Timothy 9-11) The Law, of course, is not for innocent people but  for guilty, for those who break the law. But Jesus  ended  the law of Moses (John 1:17; Galatians 2:16)  and over time, Western countries, inherited the teaching of Jesus on civil law. For instance, Jesus did not condemn to death a woman or a man caught in the act of adultery, (John 8:4-7) but he insisted that adultery was a mortal sin, unless repented of. Again, he did not allow a husband to divorce his wife with a letter of dismissal and held that marriage was a sacred life long union of a man and a woman. (Mark 10:1-10) On marriage Jesus said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’ (Matthew 19:6) Hence Jesus defined marriage differently from the law of Moses. The teachings of Christ on civil law changed the Law of Moses from a law of animal sacrifices for sin, and from priests who offered those sacrifices. Except for the Jews who rejected Christ, there were no more priests in a Christian civil law; no more sacrifices for sin because the New Covenant with heaven’s justice forgave every and any sin a man might commit. 


The teachings of Jesus on the law of Moses, Israel’s civil law, went much further than altering the laws on marriage, the death penalty and the Sabbath. He made a new covenant in his blood that altered the Law of Moses for ever. (Luke 22:20) St. Paul says, ‘In speaking of "a new covenant," he has made the first one obsolete’ (Hebrews 8:13) For by his own blood shed on the cross he atoned for ever for the sins of the world. Therefore the rule of priests and animal sacrifices for sins was no longer necessary. As St. Paul said, ‘He entered once for all into the Holy Place, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.’ (Hebrews 9:12) Jesus ended the laws requirement of animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins, ended the rule of priests to intercede between God and man, ended the righteousness of the law and obedience to the law for salvation from sin, and any religion from God’s judgment by doing good and being virtuous. 


The letter of the law has often been a curse and a burden on society, because lawyers have used the law to uphold their own jurisdiction, authority and ends.  Nevertheless, behind the letter of the law has always been the reason why the law was there, its motive and purpose. The Sabbath law, for instance, was given by God to make one day in a week a day of rest from work. The purpose, of this one day out of seven, was to protect Israel, God’s chosen people whom he loved, from idolatry; the idolatry of making money and turning away from God for mundane, vain pursuits. It was made to protect Israel from self interest, to remind them of their God led past and the creation of the world. The source of God’s law, was God, and its purpose was to reveal his love and justice. The doctors of the law guarded this law from those who refused  to rest and remember God’s providence and love. But God gave this Sabbath Law, not for the sake of the law itself, but because God loved his chosen people and through them the whole world. 


A question was put to Jesus once by a lawyer who asked him: ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ 

He said to him “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’’” (Matthew 22:35-40)

Love fulfills the law because no law can represent the scope of circumstances and motives that life is made up of. 

The doctors of the law were legalistic. They did not realise that love and justice cannot be separated, for where justice condemns, love forgives, and where justice is lacking, love makes up the difference. We cannot be just without being loving and we cannot be loving without being just. This is a matter of spirit and mind, not jurisdiction and courts.

The letter of the law must always be flexible enough to understand and sympathise with the failings and faults of others and exceptional circumstances. That is why St. John said, ‘The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.’ (John 1: 17)

However strict the Sabbath Law of Moses, it did not and could not exclude caring for others were rest was less important than caring for them, whether they suffered an illness, an accident, whether hungry or thirsty, in need of support or medical treatment. Yet the doctors of the law hounded Jesus and his disciples because they broke the letter of the law in healing a paralytic, (John 5:8f) healing a man’s withered hand, (Matthew 12:10) or in picking ears of corn to eat. (Matthew 12:1)

To keep to the letter of the law it would be impossible to work on the Sabbath day caring  for the sick in hospital or at home, to attend to an injured animal or human being. 


Furthermore, the law, - any law, - cannot make men good. The law is like a signpost which points in the right direction but it is not the will to choose one way rather than another. That will depend on circumstances and whether the letter of the law is applicable to those circumstances. The inner light of the law is not a blind command but the rule of love. If the imagination of the heart is evil then the letter of the law will be enforced but if good the letter of the law will be set aside for a higher purpose: love. In addition, Jesus separated politics and earthly laws of state and country from his kingdom and his way of salvation through his sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, where he died for all our sins and by grace alone made it possible for us to have freedom from sin and a future in heaven.


Jesus cared about many things that were earthly and legal. That is why he criticised the lawyers who taught the Law of Moses, for their hypocrisy. Yet Jesus passed on to his disciples all that he taught about the civil law, what that law must represent, what it means to be loving and just. His teachings were passed on by his disciples and by 325 AD, his teachings on law became Roman law and afterwards the law of many nations, east and west. But he separated law from grace, (John 1:17) politics from his kingdom and how a person might be saved from sin and death. He stated to Pontus Pilate, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this world.’ (John 18:36)

He made it clear that the state and the church were two different and opposed bodies, the one from this world, the other from God of which he was king. Grace, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world, made it possible for anyone to be saved from sin and the world and inherit eternal life.