

有事情不能用科学解释约翰福音中。他们们要有信心耶稣的言里、对于他的话超越世俗的知识。例如、耶稣说你们必须重生再;向进入天国你们必须要生再。(约翰福音 3:3)不生、不可能进上帝的国!尼哥底母对耶稣回答: ‘怎样可以一个人重生时他很老?’可以他、母亲的子宫进第二次? 这些言的、到尼哥底母、这些言的、到尼哥底母、是毫无意义了。耶稣对尼哥底母回答: ‘真个、我告诉你、除非一个人是生的水、和是生的圣灵、他不会进上帝的国。那哪个是骨血生的是骨血;那哪个是圣灵生的是灵。’


尼哥底母是法利赛人、一个教师、领导的人民、和学家; 一个男谁相信耶稣必从上帝来了。 他也是会员的公会、高法庭的以色列。尼哥底母、象大家当时和现在、思那当莹莹是生的、不可能是生再。但是耶稣说、不骨血的出生在、但是圣灵生的。耶稣说:重生的新圣生活、心和灵魂。

没什么从人类后代会进上帝的国没什么从人类后代、 那于出生在的肉和血、可以进天国。绝对不道经过长子继承权或者美德可以救从罪和死。那是针现实的耶稣的教。但是这些事会只解释了于类比。耶稣比较一个人谁是生的圣灵向刮风。 没人知道的哪个道刮风来或者去、和这是真的每人出生的圣灵。者是隐从科学家和哲学家。


尼哥底母知道关于蛇在旷野里。 他知道那当以色列罪了、很多人是咬伤蛇和死了。摩西然后祈求对耶和华为他们。耶和华对摩西说: ‘你制造一条火蛇挂在杆上;如果任何人咬伤、看看在蛇、他会活。’(民数记 21:8) 耶和华不文以色列的作苦修、创誓言好、或者作没甚么在所以。上帝并没有问以色列他们做忏悔、 许愿,要善于或做任何东西根本,保存看看蛇在杆子上。耶稣提醒尼哥底母的这事件当上帝救以色列的通过看在蛇。简单信心以色列是救。这是一个身影的上帝的救恩为人类。仅恪守信仰耶稣的世界保存:上帝爱世人、 那他给他独生子赐给他们、叫一切信他的、 不至灭亡、反得永生。(约翰福音 3:16)以色列和世人是由独因着信救在上帝的典。


大家口渴为生活在这个世里。人民要满生活、 是高兴、生活。耶稣有太多的话大约口渴净身的。 他谁信我,从内他中要流出活水河流他谁信我,从内他中要流出活水河流。’(约翰福音 7:38-39)说话对一个女人在雅各井、耶稣说: ‘谁喝的这水会口渴再、 但是谁喝水我给他、他会从来没有口渴。’(约翰福音 4: 13-14) 她回答他:‘先生、情给我这个水、所以我就不会来这里打水。’(约翰福音:414) 一切做生活容易是欢迎、 但是这是一个口渴深那身体要不会满足的、或者就找不到。

耶稣教他的徒的: ‘幸福是他们谁饥饿和渴为义; 他们将是填充了。’(吗太福音 5:6) 如果正义丢失的、就找不到再、任何俗世的手段、 不可能医治一破心用镇定药的、或者淬火净身的口渴与葡萄酒。义、安静的净身、医治、真理、这会只来从上帝和礼物的他的圣灵。我们的灵魂哭出为了新开始脱离了罪。祈求对耶稣和他将来给你精神光。



There are matters in St. John’s gospel that cannot be explained by science. They require faith in the words of Jesus that go beyond earthly knowledge. For instance, Jesus speaks of being born again. To Nicodemus, a visitor of Jesus by night, it made no sense too him at all. Jesus said to him, ‘Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.’ 

‘But,’ Nicodemus replied, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb.’ 

‘Jesus answered, ‘Verily, verily, I say to you, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh; and that which is born of Spirit is spirit.’

Nicodemus, like everyone else, then and now, thought only that to be born is childbirth, when a woman waters break and a child is born into the world. But Jesus spoke, not of childbirth but of a completely new and different life born of the Spirit of God in the life of the soul, the true and real sign of breathing God’s Spirit and love, that which St. Paul calls the seal of the Spirit. (2Corinthians 1:22) God’s love poured out in our hearts by which we are born anew to live a new and righteous life. 

Jesus spoke of a different world, a world of God’’s Mind and Spirit, that which has no human origin and no human offspring. When we receive the Spirit of God we are God’s offspring. (Acts 17: 2829)


There is nothing in human offspring, in flesh and blood, that can by birth enter the kingdom of heaven. There is absolutely no way through this world’s virtues or birthright, that can be saved from sin and death. That is the reality of what Jesus is speaking about to Nicodemus, and to all those who want to please God and inherit the promises of eternal life. But these things can only be explained by analogy. Jesus compared a person who is born of the Spirit to the wind. You don’t know where the wind comes from or where it is going, and this is true of the person born of the Spirit and led by the Spirit. You simply cannot examine it or analyse it because it is hidden from the world’s knowledge and science. 


Nicodemus knew very well that when the children of Israel sinned against the Lord many were bitten by snakes and died. They appealed to Moses, confessing their sins; then Moses prayed to the lord for them and God told him to make a bronze serpent and place it on a pole in view of everyone. If anyone is bitten from now on, if they look at the serpent on the pole they shall live.’ 

(2 Numbers 21:9)

God did not ask that they do penitence, make vows to be good or do anything at all, save look at the serpent on the pole. Jesus reminded Nicodemus of this absurd and irrational blessing from God. No works to substitute for their wrongdoing but simply to have faith in God’s promised blessing. Jesus compared this to God’s purpose for mankind, upon which no birthright, virtue or self sacrifice depended: ‘For,’ he said to Nicodemus, ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him might not perish but have everlasting life.’ (John 3:16)

The whole gospel of Jesus Christ is in these words and the analogy with the serpent on the pole.


Everyone in this world thirsts for life. They want to live life to the full. Jesus had much to say about thirsty spirits. 

‘He who believes in Me,’ he said to his disciples, ‘out from within him shall flow rivers of living water.’ (John 7:38-39) John says: ‘This he spoke of the Spirit whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Spirit was not yet given for Jesus had not yet been glorified.’

Jesus, speaking to a woman by Jacob’s well in Samaria, said to her: ‘Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.’ (John 4: 13-14)

The woman did not quite get the drift of what Jesus was saying, but said, ‘Sir, give me this water that I may not come here to draw water.’ Not having to come to the well to draw water would certainly make life easier, as would anything that made life’s physical burdens lighter would be welcome but there is a thirst that goes much deeper than physical needs. 


Jesus taught his disciples. ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.’ Matthew 5:6) For righteousness lost cannot be repossessed by any earthy means. No more can a broken heart be healed by tranquillisers; nor can the soul’s thirst be quenched by wine or spirits. Righteousness, peace of mind, healing and truth, can only come from God and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our souls thirst for a new beginning freed from sin and sorrow. Jesus brings spiritual light and healing to body, mind and spirit and the gift of eternal life. (John 3:16)